Conformation Analysis

There are many open-source tools available that enable researchers to perform conformation analyses on contact matrices. We aim to hightlight the tools and commands we use here at Cantata Bio call features. This is not a comprenisve list, nor do we own or manage any of the tools listed below. Please refer to their source document pages for more information or for help in trouble shooting the use of these tools. For each analysis performed below we provide, a link to the tool repo, the input file, the example command, and an example output for you to check your results against.

Example input files (.mcool and .hic files)

A/B Compartments

Recommended Software

Example Command

fanc compartments -f -v MicroC_800M_eigen_64kb.bed -d MicroC_800M_64kb.bed -g hg38.fa MicroC_800M.mcool@64000 MicroC_800M_64kb.ab

Example Output(s)

Topologically Associated Domains

Recommended Software

Example Command

java -jar -Xmx48000m  -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar juicer_tools.jar arrowhead --threads 16 -k KR -m 2000 -r 10000 MicroC_800M.hic TAD_calls
java -jar -Xmx48000m  -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar juicer_tools.jar arrowhead --threads 16 -k KR -m 2000 -r 5000 MicroC_800M.hic TAD_calls

Example Output(s)

Chromatin Loops

Recommended Software

Example Command

mustache -p 48 -f MicroC_800M.mcool -r 16000 -o MicroC_800M_16000kb_loops.tsv
mustache -p 48 -f MicroC_800M.mcool -r 4000 -o MicroC_800M_4000kb_loops.tsv

Example Output(s)